specification of work

英 [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ɒv wɜːk] 美 [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃn əv wɜːrk]




  1. Note that the specification of the target quality attribute for the reengineered system is not specific to our work.
  2. Control Point Specification provides a definition of the controls and approvals of major work products and handover points.
  3. Specification for construction and acceptance of municipal substructure work
  4. Specification for the deformation joint design of concrete structures in water work engineering
  5. The specification of the work offered for another
  6. Specification for construction and acceptance of tapestry brick work for exterior wall
  7. The new Managed Beans specification was the result of work we did in JSR-299 ( what we were calling "simple Web Beans" in earlier drafts of the specification).
  8. Frequent interrupt is caused by cell reselection while the train drove in highspeed, the third part is research around this problem: Accroding to the specification of GPRS, analyse the cell reselection mechanism, and work out the time-long of cell reselection;
  9. It should take the technical production approved by West to East Gas transmission Pipeline Project, and bring into the standard and specification of design, construction, operation and maintenance to guide for the future practice and avoid repetition work and resource waste.
  10. The "Specification for List of Price Calculation" is to normalize the whole process of the list of price calculation on engineering work amount.
  11. Lastly, based on consideration and analysis, it puts forward some suggestions on the improvement and specification of the translation work.
  12. Based on the above work, a prototype system of heterogeneous data platform, which is based on middleware and support IEC 61970 Common information Model ( CIM)/ Component Interface Specification ( CIS), is developed.
  13. First, the text illuminates the problems being studied, correlative concepts and analytical methods, and has reviewed and specified the Location Theory, the Theory of location choice for FDI and interrelated literature about specification and distribution of work, which relates to industry agglomeration.
  14. Due to domestic forklift portal-frame structure is generally not unified, its type and specification are also unable to be unified, so design and selection of forklift bearings are not convenient and standardizing work in this respect must be strengthened.
  15. By ways of improving specification of inner rock plate of slide channel of coke transport system and construction method, the channel working life gets prolonged, maintenance work reduced.
  16. At present, the fact that pipeline seismic is rarely involved in the related specification of water supply pipe design, and that china lacks seismic design information and software, adds the difficulty in implementing specific work on seismic design.